Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Privatization Of The Florida S Foster Care System

Running head: METHOD OF RESEARCH 1 METHODS OF RESEARCH 4 Methods of Research Project Belhaven University Conda Curry-Green MPA 608 November 12, 2015 Methods of Research The topic of research that will be addressed is the privatization of the Florida?s foster care system. Since 1998 when the transition to privatization was implemented, the question arose, has privatization been a help to Florida?s foster care system or has it been a hindrance. The form of research that will be conducted will be non- experimental qualitative research. In the text, Research Methodology (Kumar, 2011) it stated, ?Data in qualitative research is not collected through a set of predetermined questions but by raising issues around different areas of enquiry.? The research to be conducted will reveal that privatization has not been as beneficial to the foster care system in Florida as once believed. The data collection that will be used to prove this assumption will be the following: Interviews: These interviews will consist of at the CEOs and presidents of foster care agencies, whose responsibility it is to govern the operations of the lead private non-profit agencies within the State of Florida. The interviews with these CEOs will be administered individually face-to-face. The questions posed will range from the relationship that privatization has with the public agencies to their perspectives on how privatization has fulfilled the needs of the children in foster care andShow MoreRelatedThe Privatization Of Foster Care1908 Words   |  8 PagesFoster Care Privatization 1 Privatization of Foster Care in Florida; Help or Hindrance As of September, 2011 in the United States over 400,540 children were in the foster care system. 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