Monday, December 2, 2019

Informative Speech Outline Essay Example

Informative Speech Outline Essay Bryce Martinson Informative Speech Outline I. INTRODUCTION Hopefully, we will be achieving one of our major goals in life soon†¦. graduating from college. All the tests, papers, and projects will be over. What a relief! Although we will no longer have to worry about grades, we will have to worry about something even more important†¦. getting a job. It will determine our future, how we live†¦where we live†¦and whether or not we are happy with what we do. Therefore, we need to know how to interview for a job. Thesis Statement – The four steps in preparing for a job interview are researching the company, analyzing and preparing yourself, anticipating questions and answers, and preparing everything you need the night before the interview. II. BODY SECTION 1 A. Before you go on a job interview, its important to find out as much as you can about the company. That way youll be prepared both to answer interview questions and to ask the interviewer questions. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the company culture are a good fit for you. B. Take some time, in advance, to use the Internet to discover as much information as you can about the company. Visit the company web site; review the company mission statement and company history, products and services, management, as well as information about the company culture. This information is usually available in the About Us section of the site. C. LinkedIn company profiles are a good way to find more information on a company youre interested in. Youll be able see your connections at the company, new hires, promotions, jobs posted, related companies, and company statistics. Take a look at your interviewers profile to get insight into their job and their background. D. Like the company on Facebook and follow it on Twitter. Youll find information you may not have found otherwise. E. Search both Google and Google News for the company name. F. If you have a connection that will help you find inside information, use it. Do you know someone who works there? Ask them if they can help. If youre a college graduate, ask your Career Office if they can give you a list of alumni who work there. Then email, send a message, or call and ask for assistance. BODY SECTION 2 A. We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Now that you know how to thoroughly research a company that you’re interviewing for, you must thoroughly analyze and prepare yourself. Even if you know all the answers to all the questions, you still need to have the following verbal communication skills if you want to impress an interviewer: †¢ Listen carefully to what is being asked before you answer a question. †¢ Dont interrupt the interviewer. †¢ Let the interviewer lead the interview. †¢ Speak clearly. †¢ Use proper grammar. †¢ Dont be afraid to ask for clarification if you dont understand a question. It may be more embarrassing to speculate and give an inappropriate answer. Answer concisely. †¢ Dont exaggerate. B. CollegeJournal reports that, according to some studies, Body language comprises 55% of the force of any response, whereas the verbal content only provides 7%, and paralanguage, or the intonation pauses and sighs given when answering represents 38% of the emphasis. As you c an see, nonverbal communication is as important, or even more important than, verbal communication. The evaluation of your nonverbal communication will start as soon as you walk into the companys lobby and continue until the interview is finished. Make eye contact with the interviewer for a few seconds at a time. †¢ Smile and nod (at appropriate times) when the interviewer is talking, but, dont overdo it. †¢ Dont laugh unless the interviewer does first. †¢ Be polite and keep an even tone to your speech. †¢ Dont be too loud or too quiet. †¢ Dont slouch. †¢ Do relax and lean forward a little towards the interviewer so you appear interested and engaged. †¢ Dont lean back. You will look too casual and relaxed. †¢ Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair. †¢ Pay attention, be attentive and interested. Dont interrupt. †¢ Stay calm. Even if you had a bad experience at a previous position or were fired, k eep your emotions to yourself and do not show anger or frown. †¢ Not sure what to do with your hands? Hold a pen and your notepad or rest an arm on the chair or on your lap, so you look comfortable. Dont let your arms fly around the room when youre making a point. C. The first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one. The first judgment an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing. Thats why, in many cases, it is still important to dress professionally for a job interview, regardless of the work environment. A. You should wear the following types of clothing to the interview: Men’s Interview Attire * Suit (solid color navy or dark grey) * Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit) * Belt * Tie * Dark socks, conservative leather shoes * Little or no jewelry * Neat, professional hairstyle * Limit the aftershave * Neatly trimmed nails * Portfolio or briefcase Women’s Interview Attire * Suit (navy, black or dark grey) The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably * Coordinated blouse * Conservative shoes * Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets) * No jewelry is better than cheap jewelry * Professional hairstyle * Neutral pantyhose * Light make-up and perfume * Neatly manicured clean nails * Portfolio or briefcase B. According to USATODAY, these types of clothing are considered to be unprofes sional: * Spaghetti straps * Nose rings * Blue hair, or other colors not found in nature. * Shorts * No socks * Denim jackets * Underwear as outerwear. BODY SECTION 3 A. Now that you know how to thoroughly analyze and prepare yourself for a job interview, you should anticipate questions and answers. Take the time to review the common interview questions you will most likely be asked. Also, review sample answers and advice on how to answer these typical interview questions. 1. On jobsearch. about. com, they list these routine questions commonly asked at a job interview: * What did you like or dislike about your previous job? * How would you describe yourself? * What interests you about this job? * Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? 2. They also list the following questions to ask the interviewer so you can ensure the company is a good match for your qualifications and interests: * Is this a new position? If not, what did the previous employee go on to do? * What is the companys management style? * How much travel is expected? * What is the typical work week? Is overtime expected? * What are the prospects for growth and advancement? BODY SECTION 4 A. Now that you have anticipated questions and answers for the job interview, finally, you should prepare everything that you need the night before the interview. 1. Get your career portfolio ready. The key items to include are: * Volunteer activities * Extra-curricular activities * Employment history * Samples: projects or presentations from both work and school * Educational achievements or awards. III. CONCLUSION In order to prepare for the job interview, you should research the company, analyze yourself, anticipate questions and answers, and prepare the night before. This preparation may make the difference in how you approach each work day for the rest of your life†¦. dreading it†¦or looking forward to it. If you fail to prepare, you may be preparing to fail.

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