Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Maestro (Goldsworthy, P.) essays

Maestro (Goldsworthy, P.) essays Maestro shows us that maturity is gained only through suffering. Discuss. Peter Goldsworthys Maestro focuses on the coming of age of Paul Crabbe, who slowly leaves his childhood innocence behind to enter the new world of adulthood. His pathway to maturity is described through a series of experiences, particularly with an old Viennese music teacher, Eduard Keller, or the Maestro. Near the end of the novel, where Paul is in his mid-twenties, he looks back on his transformation from a spoiled, self-indulged adolescent, to a more compassionate and more knowledgeable adult. He realises, through his own suffering and Kellers influence, that his talents are not good enough to earn him a career as a concert pianist. Pauls personality changes throughout the text. At the start Paul is corrupted by pride and the idea that he is great, almost perfect even. This self-satisfaction does wonders to boost his ego, as he predicts instant fame and fortune will fall at his feet. When he first meets Keller, he acts as if he knows everything, but Keller mocks him constantly with such comments as, you know so much for your age...and so little, and wont give in to his superficial ideals. Paul does not appreciate it when the old man honestly points out his true arrogant nature, but eventually awakens to his truth. With truth comes suffering, and suffering does play an integral part to Pauls maturity. For years, Keller has been trying to teach Paul not to expect too much. He offers words of insight and once asks him, what is the difference between good and great pianists?. He answers himself with, Not much, just a little. Obviously that little is just enough to make Paul fall short of his dreams he misses that final step that would take him to the top, simply because of his pride. In the end he fails to achieve musical success. ...

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