Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example new look of the MS Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint provided with efficient features making the working process more comfortable, easy and safe; as well as enhancing already existing means of communication and information exchange. Microsoft Corporation main mission is based on idea of sustaining its position as World’s number one technology company which is engaged into creation, development, licensing and manufacturing software products and operating systems, search engines as well as conquering video game industry (Microsoft, 2015). Microsoft audience is as diversified as the product portfolio and it involved young adults of 16-30 years as targeted users Xbox consoles and operating systems for everyday and educational purposes as well as business segment using software in professional sphere where collecting, storing and presentation of information are essential processes and can be seen on firms and corporations different in size. Nowadays the competition within industry is severe as the company is diversified and it meets rough competition in several key areas such as search engine and smart phones from giants such as Google, Apple and Oracle. Microsoft market consists of products, consumers and business users. The main feature of this very aspect is implied in diversification of product portfolio which is aimed at reaching the audience through erasing the boundaries of age, profession, social status (Microsoft, 2015). Operation systems are designed to be applied on computers and other devices as means of data storing or day-to-day operations including education, entertainment, health care, programs such as Skype can be used by professionals and consumers. Corporate (business market) – people engaged in large businesses, firms and corporation feel the need in sufficient software in order to work with information on different levels, bringing convenience into the process of collecting, storing and presentation of information as well

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