Friday, January 3, 2020

The Threat Of The Cyber Forensics Field - 795 Words

Introduction Technological advancements, the increased prevalence of personal computing, and the exponential rise in electronic crime over the past few decades, has predicated the emergence of the cyber forensics field as experts seek to increase the effectiveness of administrative and criminal investigations. Though still in its infancy, the field purposes to apply the fundamental concepts and systematic methodologies utilized in traditional forensic investigations to the cyber realm. This is accomplished through the identification, preservation, examination, interpretation, and documentation of electronic media and digital evidence, conducted in a systematic fashion adhering to legislative rules of evidence, in order to provide an expert testimony for use in legal and/or administrative proceedings (EC-Council, 2010, p. 1-1). While specific investigative actions/processes will vary depending on the investigating entity, these core concepts remain consistent throughout the field, and provide a basis for all computer forensic activities. At the commencement of an investigation, a designated first responder is responsible for identifying and protecting the crime scene, while identifying and collecting item of potential evidentiary value for subsequent examination (EC-Council, 2010, p. 4-2, 4-3). Preservation of evidence is imperative, and extensive measures are implemented to prevent a deliberate or unintentional compromise of the evidence item(s). This is bestShow MoreRelatedSecurity Threats That Affect Small Medium Enterprises ( Smes ) Essay1747 Words   |  7 Pagessecurity threats that affect Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as countermeasures and defenses that can be utilised in order to mitigate the ramifications of such threats. 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