Wednesday, August 26, 2020

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

The dread of an extremist government introduced in George Orwell’s 1984 apply not exclusively to the Party, yet in addition to the Stalinist Russia of the 1930’s. Startling similitudes exist between these two bodies which both began as types of government, and afterward changed into life-controlling political associations which â€Å"subordinated all foundations and classes under one preeminent power† (Buckler 924). Orwell shows how such a framework can force its will on the individuals through control of media, consistent management as helped by innovation, and the danger of agony, both physical and mental. Orwell additionally shows how the state has increasingly unpretentious techniques for forcing its position, for example, the control of language and purposeful publicity as they are utilized to accomplish the objective of supreme force for the framework. A key equal between the Party and Stalin’s Communism is the utilization of innovation and correspon dence to control the financial, social, and individual parts of life.      Stalin and Big Brother accomplished complete control, not just of social and financial parts of the state, yet in addition of their people’s individual lives. They did this as a matter of first importance by continually watching the individuals. Both Stalin & "The Party" had confidence in absolute authority over their "party members". The targets of the Spies, the Ministry of Truth, Thought Police, and the telescreens in Oceania are reflected in Stalin’s Russia by the activities of the KGB, and all the innovations they used to screen individuals. Another path was by changing all types of media. The Ministry of Truth attempted to change the past in all types of media, making Big Brother seem to have consistently been correct. Stalin had books changed, narratives redid, and compositions adjusted to highlight his essence. Albeit boundless control couldn't be accomplished in 1930â €™s Russia, Orwell gives Big Brother this capacity to exhibit how, if at any time achieved, it would prompt the total demolition of individual opportunity. Substantial likenesses between the two chiefs, Stalin and Big Brother, are likewise overwhelming. Joseph Stalin could undoubtedly fit the depiction of Big Brother in the novel. Stalin had his 5-year plan for the economy, similarly as references were made to the 3-year designs in 1984. The Party dismisses and criticizes each rule for which the Socialist development at any point stood, and it decides to do this in the nam... ... in two structures, mental and physical. "The just cure to mental enduring is physical pain" (Marx). Both Stalin and Big Brother drew incredibly from Marx. Clinging to this approach of physical agony to fix mental issues, torment was utilized in the two social orders. Each human has a limit, and dread, loathe, and torment are more spurring than affection, bliss, and security. Hostile to free enterprise Eminent universally as a frank speaker against Stalin, Orwell was, be that as it may, an impassioned Socialist and was quick to separate himself from Russian authoritarianism. His Socialist convictions, combined with his involvement with the Spanish Civil War as an individual from the progressive local army, drove him to understand the danger of fundamentalist, or possibly totalitarian, rule. No other book has been known to rouse individuals with such an adoration for freedom and contempt of oppression. The individual wants to be liberated from restriction and control, and Orwell perceived this. 1984 is a declaration of Orwell’s aggravation at a considerable lot of the aspects of English Socialism, just as Russian Communism. It is additionally his very own impression thoughts regarding the idea of political defilement and, to be explicit, Stalinist Russia.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Western Civilization Free Essays

(1) It has consistently been the force battle that drove individuals to revolt. Improvements in farming were insufficient to take care of the entire French country, particularly in the urban areas, on the grounds that the poor has consistently sufferred. In spite of the headway in farming and the utilization of present day horticultural procedures and â€Å"expected† increment in food flexibly, the costs of the food was all the while going up. We will compose a custom paper test on Western Civilization or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Why? Since it was just â€Å"more foodâ€rather than a more attractive distribution† (Brown, 2003, p. 24) which implies the workers has still to hope for the best to get by in the savage world. In this way, worker distress in 1789 in the long run came into see with such a great amount of abuse of poor people. To end steady uproars and exhibitions, the legislative issues during that time accepted that poor people can be put aside forbidding them to cast their votes and causing them to develop food produce for the affluent. Indeed, even the constitution that time segregates poor by putting such a great amount of accentuation on singular private property possession â€Å"at the cost of any privilege of the poor to subsistence† (Brown, 2003, p. 24). The distress in 1789 was an occurrence where horticulture assumed a significant job. Without farmers’ endeavors to give food in the urban territories, or if the yield these ranchers worked produce an awful gather, the impacts were essentially crushing: soaring food costs, joblessness, and bedlam. (2) There was such a great amount of improvements in the eighteenth century Europe prompting acquisitions of different states by various European countries. Not including earlier turns of events, even the fifteenth and sixteenth century Rennaissance and Reformation, this eighteenth century alone has been a striking time. Who could envision Napoleon crushed? What's more, it occurred in this period and â€Å"it starts and finishes with the disappointment of an endeavor to overwhelm the Continent by its driving force, and between lie the occasions which realized the French Revolution and its outcome. â€Å"(Cowie, 1963, p. 1) Europeans’ lifestyle during that period may be differed yet they all have shared a long history together and comparative longings and accordingly as a rule, mirror the beneficial things that can be found in one another. For the Englishmen, they had opportunity from having their interests done, particularly the opportunity to communicate and compose and this was seen as a great thing not exclusively to themselves yet to different countries in the mainland. Similar standards apply with the French chaateaux and its excellent tastes. What's more, what about the Europeans’ burdens to have provinces? These were clearly spread out in the Treaty of Utrecht and in the Treaty of Vienna. Furthermore, when? Normally, that was in the eighteenth Century Europe! Step by step instructions to refer to Western Civilization, Papers Western Civilization Free Essays string(100) was this exchange he understood his father’s worth in light of the fact that the last was isolated from him. Now and then, it is extremely simple to peruse books about the lives of the genuine individuals who had the option to beat the essence in their own lives. The harder their difficulties and challenges were, the all the more engaging it will be for the perusers. We will in general be intrigued with individuals who had the option to compose a record of their among life and passing encounters and how they nearly pass on. We will compose a custom article test on Western Civilization or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Be that as it may, we tend to overlook how hard it may be for them to record their own account of harshness and much more terrible if their shocking experience was basically the start of a more regrettable condition. The two writers in the books that will be broke down and analyzed in this paper had the fearlessness to relate their own encounters and embarrassment as a Jew during World War II for the world to observe and recall the fierceness of the War. The two of them persevered through the agony as they review the torment they had experienced and expressly stated them. They described how peaceful and promising their lives were before the World War in the residence with their families. In any case, the war had torn them with everything that could have included themselves. They were damaged by monstrous and ruthless passings of individuals, their friends and family notwithstanding. The two writers were the heroes of their books. It depended on their direct encounters during the war. In the event that we will examine the two books, we would have a thought how ruthless the Nazi’s were and how unfortunate the Holocaust was. The primary book was a portrayal of the genuine encounters in the Holocaust in the point of view of a Transylvanian child as he saw the severe demise of his relatives and how it increased an effect in his confidence and his life. Then again, the other book portrayed a similar occasion on the point of view of a Czech little girl who lost her family and sufficiently fortunate to have the option to get away and come back to her old neighborhood in Prague. The main thing was her getaway in that war didn't extra her. It essentially opened the entryway that drove her to another war and another torment she needed to tolerate (Kovaly). In the event that we are going to analyze records of two creators, we first need to think about the foundation of each creator. We need to distinguish the convincing powers in their lives that gave a mix in their works. The main book was titled â€Å"Night†, which was composed by the writer Elie Wiesel. He started his story by portraying his town in Sighet, his family and himself in the year 1942 when he was just twelve years of age. He had three sisters and his father was a businessperson and a worshiped Jewish pioneer. Their family was profoundly strict; in actuality, Elie was eager in learning the doctrine of their religion. He needed to find out more and he had a profound confidence in God (Wiesel). Nonetheless, this changed when the Germans showed up and caught their property in 1944. In spite of the early notice of an individual who endure and saw the abuse that the Jews endured in Poland, his townsmen didn't notice. Or maybe, they just ridiculed him. It was year 1944 when they lament not to take appropriate thought of the caution given by the elderly person. The Germans attacked their property and moved all the Jews out of Sighet to inhumane imprisonments in Auschwitz. The Germans were heartfelt from the start yet out of nowhere gave an announcement that they ought to be appropriated and shipped into ghettos and death camps. They had no clue on what might occur straightaway. It would have been a gift in the event that they would be executed promptly to save them from torment and wretchedness. Be that as it may, it was a passionate expectation of the Nazi’s to force desolations to these strict individuals as forced by the pioneer, Adolf Hitler. They were dealt with like creatures as they were being moved to the death camps. At the point when they arrived at the gathering place, Elie was for all time isolated with her mother and sister since they were coordinated to the gas chamber. He was left distinctly with his dad. Inside the camp, they had to observe how the guiltless infants where savagely consumed and a huge number of individuals crying despondently. It was his first night in the camp however it made a permanent imprint on Elie’s heart. It was the night that he questioned God’s veneration. That night, he believed that his God additionally passed on. It was the night that broke up his idealism and eagerness forever. At an exceptionally youthful age, Elie saw the remorselessness of life and that he is only a minuscule spot of useless being who needed to battle craving, abuse and wounds so as to endure. He was before an extremely strict understudy whose life around then relied upon the impulses of the Nazi’s. His temperances changed. His concept of reprisal against anyone who might take steps to hurt his family changed and transformed into his despondency to live. His anxiety changed as he endured blows and battled to live. His fundamental worry that was recently centered around God veered off to whatever could fill his stomach. In the camp, they were recognized not with their name however with their number to connote maybe that their lives don't make a difference, they are simply insignificant numbers. He didn't gaze toward his dad as a gift since they are as yet alive yet a revile, a weight that may cause him his life. The difficult work and brutal conditions caused him to deny God (Wiesel). Their exchange to another camp in Buna served another test to Elie. He had changed. His god had as of now passed on and hanged in the hangman's tree. He was beaten and his torment did not make any difference anymore. Days and evenings don't have any distinction nor passing and life. It was this exchange he understood his father’s worth in light of the fact that the last was isolated from him. You read Western Civilization in class Papers They needed to buckle down so as to live. This was the last camp they had been before they begun the most difficult walk. It was the walk that isolated Elie forever from his dad. It was the walk that drove a child away from his caring dad. It was the walk that denied them of food and water and were even ridiculed by the watchmen A great deal of detainee executed even their own family only for a piece of bread. Out of the hundred detainees who walked, just twelve endure and arrived at Buchenwald where his dad at last passed on of diarrhea and cut off beating from the official and other detainee. It was the peak of Elie’s faculties. It was a long time before the guides showed up and he could be at long last marked as Holocaust Survivor. This was the apocalypse War II and the finish of this book. Be that as it may, this period was just the start of the other book (Wiesel). The other book, â€Å"Under the Cruel Star: An actual existence in Prague 1941-1968†, the writer portrayed her life as a Jew in the Lodz camp. Her name was Heda Margolius Kovaly. Though they were in an alternate nation and ghettos, their strict confidence got them into comparative destiny the ghettos. Heda and her family were sent to Lodz ghetto. She

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Your Next Steps as an Admitted Transfer Student

Your Next Steps as an Admitted Transfer Student Congratulations on being admitted! This is a huge accomplishment that deserves to be celebrated. With all of your previous work leading up to this, you may be unsure what to do next. Heres a guideline of the steps youll take on your way to campus next fall. 1. Complete your admitted student checklist. The most important step to becoming an Illini is ensuring youve completed everything on your Admitted Student Checklist. You can view your checklist by logging into myIllini (the place you applied) and clicking on your application for admission. Accepting Your Offer The very first step in your admitted checklist will be accepting or declining your offer of admission to Illinois. You have some time to do this, but sooner is always better than later. The sooner you accept, the sooner you can get started on most everything else.(Note, though, that you can apply for financial aid any timeâ€"and sooner is always better than later when it comes to that step, too!) Other Key Steps After accepting your offer, you can complete your housing application and sign up for new student registration. Youll also be able to view any registration homework or placement exams, which youll need to complete before registering for classes.In addition, you must send your final transcripts and any other requested documents our way. Last steps include setting up your tuition billing and receiving required immunizations. International transfers must complete the I-20 as well. And that’s it! Again, be sure to log in to yourmyIllini account. Here, you can look atyour Admitted Student Checklist to see specific requirements and due dates.Now, let’s get into the fun stuff! 2. Visit campus. We recommend that every student visit the university if they can. Whether its summer, spring, fall, or winter, the beauty of campus is sure to blow you awayâ€"and if it doesnt, the wind just might! We havevisits specifically for our transfer students. They include a presentation by one of our admissions counselors, a QA session with current students, and a guided tour of campus. We recommend signing up for a visit more than 5 days in advance, since this will usually allow for you to meet with an academic advisor in your college. The advisor can talk to you about the kinds of classes youll take once here. They can also cover the campus resources available to you and what you can do with your Illinois degree after graduation. When on campus, you can also tour our different housing options and even get a taste of Illinois cuisine! Feel free to visit one of our 7 dining halls, head to theIllini Union food court, or enjoy a campus restaurant or two. 3. Check out your housing options. University Housing In University Housing, two living communities are designated specifically for transfer students. These include the fourth floor ofScott and the first floor ofBousfield, located in Ikenberry Commons. Both halls have staff specifically trained in assisting students with potential challenges of adjusting to campus. Although these residence halls are tailored to the transfer experience, you can live in any of our 24 university halls! If you choose a space through University Housing, you have access to any of our dining halls, residence hall libraries, computer labs, and study rooms. Private Certified Housing Private Certified Housing is another first-year housing option with 11 different halls to choose from. The university approves but does not own these buildings. Options range from traditional-style residence halls to more apartment-like living experiences, giving you freedom in the type of housing you choose. Off-Campus Living If you transfer in with above 30 credit hours and have lived a full academic year at another institution, you also have the option of living off campus. This can present some great joys and a few downfalls. Being able to cook and eat whenever you want is a plus, but finding an apartment that fits all your needs can be tricky. It’s a good thing we have an office in place to help!Off-Campus Community Living is a great resource our students can utilize when choosing an apartment. Their tools can sort by location, size, amenities, and even whether or not you can bring your beloved dog, cat, or fish to campus with you. 4. Explore campus resources. University Resources Illinois has all sorts of resources to make your life easier. When you first get to campus,New Student Programs is focused on helping you with the transition. They host the Illini Transfer Ambassadors and GRIT Camp.Illini Transfer Ambassadors is a group of current transfer students on campus who help implement programs for new transfer students.GRIT (Guiding Resilient Illinois Transfer students) Camp is a free one-day program meant for transfer students to build a community and learn about the university. In addition, every department provides academic advisors you can meet with to discuss class schedules, adding or dropping classes, and checking your progress to graduation. McKinley Health Center is here for you when you get the flu or fall off your bike, and theCounseling Center is here for you when you just need a little extra support, emotionally or spiritually. In terms of career goals, even more specialized resources exist. TheLeadership Center can help you develop invaluable leadership skills and cultivate self-awareness, and theCareer Center can help you with resume reviews, cover letters, and practice interviews. The Career Center also provides guidance on prepping for career fairs, landing an internship, or scoring your dream job! Student Organizations On such a large campus, our students find thousands of ways to make their worlds just a little bit smaller! The first Sunday before classes start in the fall, we have an event called Quad Day. Here, many of our 1,800 registered student organizations (RSOs) all line up across the Quad and recruit new students. If youre transferring in in the spring, you can still check out the organizations through the RSO Involvement Fair. This event takes place in the Illini Union during the second week of classes. The amazing thing about RSOs is that engineering majors and English majors can join together in their love for Ultimate Frisbee or Harry Potter! Almost all of our RSOs are open to any major or year, and a few are even dedicated to helping transfer students adjust to life at Illinois. Branching out and experiencing new things is one of the best ways to make the transition easier. It will also help you create friendships during your first few months on campus. Other Fun Stuff If youre interested in more than RSOs, try taking advantage of other fun campus and community resources! Take a cycling class or try rock climbing throughcampus recreation. Explore thousands of years of history atSpurlock Museum and become an art connoisseur atKrannert Art Museum. Enjoy a noteworthy performance at theKrannert Center for Performing Arts. Storm the court at theState Farm Center. You’ll never stop finding things to do and see on our campus. 5. Accept your offer! Once you know Illinois is the right fit for you, come join us. Again, the sooner you accept your offer, the sooner you can register for classes, decide on housing, and buy everything orange and blue. We hope to see you and that orange and blue on campus soon! admitted transfer Illinois Admissions We're here for you as you prepare for college. Whether you're looking for guidance on the college search process or have questions about Illinois, we hope our blogs will help!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Animal Encyclopedia Amniotes - Amniota

Amniotes (Amniota) are a group of tetrapods that includes birds, reptiles, and mammals. Amniotes evolved during the late Paleozoic era. The characteristic that sets amniotes apart from other tetrapods is that amniotes lay eggs that are well-adapted to survive in a terrestrial environment. The amniotic egg generally consists of four membranes: the amnion, the allantois, the chorion, and the yolk sac. The amnion encloses the embryo in a fluid that serves as a cushion and provides an aqueous environment in which it can grow. The allantois is a sac that holds metabolic wastes. The chorion encloses the entire contents of the egg and together with the allantois helps the embryo breath by providing oxygen and disposing of carbon dioxide. The yolk sac, in some amniotes, holds a nutrient-rich fluid (called the yolk) that the embryo consumes as it grows (in placental mammals and marsupials, the yolk sac only stores nutrients temporarily and contains no yolk). The Eggs of Amniotes The eggs of many amniotes (such as birds and most reptiles) are enclosed in a hard, mineralized shell. In many lizards, this shell is flexible. The shell provides physical protection for the embryo and its resources and limits water loss. In amniotes that produce shell-less eggs (such as all mammals and some reptiles), the embryo develops within the females reproductive tract. Anapsids, Diapsids, and Synapsids Amniotes are often described and grouped by the number of openings (fenestrae) that are present in the temporal region of their skull. The three groups that have been identified on this basis include the anapsids, diapsids, and synapsids. Anapsids have no openings in the temporal region of their skull. The anapsid skull is characteristic of the earliest amniotes. Diapsids have two pairs of openings in the temporal region of their skull. Diapsids include birds and all modern reptiles. Turtles are also considered diapsids (although they have no temporal openings) because it is thought that their ancestors were diapsids. Synapsids, which include mammals, have a single pair of temporal openings in their skull. The temporal openings characteristic of amniotes are thought to have developed in conjunction with stronger jaw muscles, and it was these muscles that enabled early amniotes and their descendants to more successfully capture prey on land. Key Characteristics amniotic eggthick, waterproof skinstrong jawsmore advanced respiratory systemhigh-pressure cardiovascular systemexcretion processes that reduce water lossa large brain modified sensory organslarvae do not have gillsundergo internal fertilization Species Diversity Approximately 25,000 species Classification Amniotes are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Tetrapods Amniotes Amniotes are divided into the following taxonomic groups: Birds (Aves) - There are about 10,000 species of birds alive today. Members of this group include game birds, birds of prey, hummingbirds, perching birds, kingfishers, buttonquail, loons, owls, pigeons, parrots, albatrosses, waterfowl, penguins, woodpeckers and many others. Birds have many adaptations for flight such as lightweight, hollow bones, feathers, and wings.Mammals (Mammalia) - There are about 5,400 species of mammals alive today. Members of this group include primates, bats, aardvarks, carnivores, seals and sea lions, cetaceans, insectivores, hyraxes, elephants, hoofed mammals, rodents, and many other groups. Mammals have several unique adaptations including mammary glands and hair.Reptiles (Reptilia) - There are about 7,900 species of reptiles alive today. Members of this group include crocodiles, snakes, alligators, lizards, caimans, tortoises, worm lizards, turtles, and tuataras. Reptiles have scales that cover their skin and are cold-blooded animals. References Hickman C, Roberts L, Keen S. Animal Diversity. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2012. 479 p. Hickman C, Roberts L, Keen S, Larson A, lAnson H, Eisenhour D. Integrated Principles of Zoology 14th ed. Boston MA: McGraw-Hill; 2006. 910 p.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Plagiarism - 2246 Words

Erik Estrada English 12 Julian 21 January 2014 Music Piracy Ever wondered how the music that you listen to probably every day of your life becomes the music that you love so much? Well there is a long and tedious process that goes into to making just one song. The artists does his or her best to make a song that he or she likes and also a song that all of the fans would enjoy too. It takes days, maybe even weeks to just make one single song; and there are so many components or people that go into its creation. To start, there are songwriters and audio engineers, computer technicians and also the actually artist or artists in the song, and all of those people profit off of that one song. So when a person goes online and decides to†¦show more content†¦He believes that it was only from 1970 to 1997 that recording artists earned significant revenue from records or compact discs. Prior to 1970 most revenue came from performing music live. Many now believe that we are returning to a period where live performances will be the main source o f revenue for musicians. This is because live performances are, the only unique, excludable, non-duplicable product left in the music business (Schultz). David Bowie concurs, advising current musicians that, Youd better be prepared for doing a lot of touring because thats really the only unique situation thats going to be left (Pà ¡reles). Musicians are having to tour more and more than they would like to because of the lack of money they should be getting from the songs they produce. Going on tour means that musicians have to be away from their families and friends for months at a time. Why just recently Eminem, released his new album The Marshall Mathers LP 2. A week before the album come out, Eminem himself sent out a public service announcement video onto Marshall Mathers YouTube page. Eminem states â€Å" due to a massive amount of bootlegging and constant downloading, people are no longer buying our CD’s so that we can get paid for our f**cking work†¦and being fo rced to tour, not being able to see my kids and causing more stress†. So as you can see the recording artists are also aware of the massive increase ofShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism : Plagiarism And Plagiarism815 Words   |  4 Pages There are many types of plagiarism, including several scenarios of inadvertent and deliberate plagiarism. This essay will discuss how plagiarism is defined, the various types of plagiarism, why plagiarism is such a serious problem, the impact of the internet on academic integrity, and how plagiarism can be avoided. It will also provide suggestions on ways to eliminate both inadvertent and deliberate plagiarism. There are several ways to define plagiarism. One such definition, according to the RegisRead MorePlagiarism And The Ethics Of Plagiarism926 Words   |  4 Pagesand parents have heard the term â€Å"plagiarism† while talking about writing essays, poems, and other works. Plagiarism is defined as â€Å"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one s own† by Merriam-Webster dictionary. While plagiarism may be denoted as stealing one’s work without credit, a more vast and broad definition usually applies to college level work. Every college and university has their own handbook and code of conduct on what exactly â€Å"plagiarism† is defined as, and what are theRead MorePlagiarism : What Is Plagiarism?1583 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is using someone else’s work, words, production, researches and ideas without the approval or the acknowledgment of the writer or producer, and claiming the credit for himself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal actRead MorePlagiarism And The Consequences Of Plagiarism1379 Words   |  6 Pages In this paper we will cover plagiarism. We will cover a brief history of plagiarism and look at the different types of plagiarism, as well as compare and contrast the different types. We will also look at who is most prone to plagiarize and why. We will also discuss the role plagiarism plays in academia and the consequences to plagiarizing. Webster’s online Dictionary defines plagiarism as â€Å"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one s own: use (another s production) withoutRead MorePlagiarism And Academic Integrity : Plagiarism1305 Words   |  6 PagesPlagiarism is a topic that is consistently brought up in many areas of education.1 In every syllabus presented to students, there is a section that refers to plagiarism and academic integrity. Plagiarism can be defined as â€Å"the act or instance of stealing or passing off ideas or words of another as one’s own.†2 Despite this being an important piece of information; students may overlook this material and still plagiarize. In a study from the University of Toronto, 90% of senior pharmacy students admittedRead MorePlagiarism2189 Words   |  9 PagesPlagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? Darian Camacho English 111, Section 11 Professor Coulter March 21, 2013 Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? The increase in plagiarism has gained the attention of many institutions, administrators and educators, as well as researchers and the public. This increase has brought to attention the concern of why plagiarism continues to occur. In order to debate this concern we should first understand the definition and background of plagiarism, theRead MorePlagiarism Habits Of Politicians : Plagiarism876 Words   |  4 PagesReshma Shrestha Dr. Lynn R.Brink Government 2305-71001 11th September, 2016 Plagiarism Habits of Politicians The word Plagiarism means, it is an acknowledgement that something came from other source or imitates from other s work. Plagiarism is also considered as copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit. In these articles, Evan Osnos describes plagiarism in different field and their negative impact. Mainly, our society also practiced this even they know it is notRead MorePlagiarism605 Words   |  3 PagesTitle : A theft of works among the students : Plagiarism. During the antiquity, it exists an ancient concept called plagiarism. Plagiarism is happened when a student fail to properly document and give attribution to the source of ideas and text in his work. Alongside with the commercialization of writing, the concept of copyright and the rights given to authors has developed (VAIL Faculty Administrator, 1996-2003). However, the problem of plagiarism has been increased nowadays and became a highlyRead MorePlagiarism And Politics : Plagiarism927 Words   |  4 PagesSaroj Dahal Professor Dr. Sharon Manna GOVT 2305-71005 19 Sep, 2016 Plagiarism and politics Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone else’s original ideas or thoughts (either written or oral) and copying it either exactly in a same way or remixing it, without giving credit to the owner. In today’s world, Plagiarism is omnipresent. People try to imitate others watching them in TVs, movies, and songs which tend them to plagiarize knowingly or accidentally. It can be found in almost all fields likeRead MorePlagiarism Essay1649 Words   |  7 PagesI think there was far more plagiarism in the last century. It was almost an accepted part of writing. The ethics of writing has changed. Nobody gets upset about whether Shakespeare plagiarized something. But I think the standards have to be pretty high now, particularly for non-fiction writers. [1] Introduction to Plagiarism According to most leading authorities, including The Office of Research Integrity, plagiarism includes both the theft or misrepresentation of intellectual property and the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Changing Self Essay Free Essays

The texts studied in the Area of Study have been very significant in shaping my understanding of the concept of Changing Self. The novel Willow Tree and Olive, written by Irini Savvides, the short film Be My Brother (directed by Genevieve Clay, 2009) and the film About A Boy (directed by Paul and Chris Weitz, 2002), while different in form and cultural contexts, have both affirmed and challenged a range of ideas about Changing Self. One significant that these texts explore reflecting the complexity of changing self is that a change in self can involve a shift whether physical, emotional, social or intellectual change. We will write a custom essay sample on Changing Self Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Further, the texts explore the idea that a change in self can be facilitated by an external catalyst. The novel â€Å"Willow Tree and Olive† by Irini Savvides explores the idea that changing self can involve a shift whether physical, emotional, and social or an intellectual change. Initially, Olive has experienced some trauma in her past, and only has brief recollections of it. She feels different from others and is detached from her family and friends because of the trauma. This is presented through the nightmares she recalls from the night of her rape: â€Å"It’s a memory – like a flashback, and I’m in it. The use of the simile reflects the event that took place upon her and recalls what happens. Later throughout the novel, Olive has a new appreciation for her family and friends. This is reflected through, â€Å"Dance. Watch people. Go for walks. Write poetry in my head. And I fall in love. With my people and their passion for life, and their acceptanc e of me, even though I am different. † Here, Olive comes to the realisation that the people, who she loves, support her even throughout the horror and change she has experienced because of her past. Thus, a change in self can involve a shift and is clearly demonstrated through the novel â€Å"Willow Tree and Olive† by Irini Savvides. Likewise, the film â€Å"About A Boy† (Paul and Chris Weitz, 2002) similarly explores the idea of changing self-involving a shift through a social and intellectual change. The main character, Will Freeman, is a rich, childfree and irresponsible 38-year-old slacker who, in search of available women, invents an imaginary son and starts attending single parent meetings. Initially, Will is a self-centred person who is unable to connect with people and being scared by commitment and love. Through cinematography, the montage of scenes of women Will has been out on a date with and also a connection with sentences convey the personality Will has, â€Å"I’m sorry, you’re breaking up with me? You, self-centred bastard, I can’t believe I have wasted all this time with you, you useless superficial loser. † On the contrary, as Will meets Marcus, an awkward 12-year-old boy his view on life changes through a series of events. Once you open your door to one person, anyone can come in. † This conveys that as he has let Marcus come into his life, more people are invited and he begins to make friends and have a closer bond with each of them. In addition, he has changed his view towards people which demonstrates social change. As a result, the film, â€Å"About A Boy† directed by Paul and Chris Weitz demonstrates that a chang e in self involves a shift, particularly a social and intellectual change. Another idea explored in the novel Willow Tree and Olive is that an external catalyst can facilitate a change in self. The catalyst of Olive is Kerry who is her mentor in helping her through the trauma she has suffered. Initially, Olive is afraid of what Kerry will say if she told her about her traumatic past and if she will have a different view about Olive. She attempts to trust Kerry by telling her: â€Å"I CAN’T BELIEVE I SAID IT. WHAT IF KERRY NEVER SPEAKS TO ME AGAIN†¦ BUT IT IS THE TRUTH. † Through the use of capitalisation, it shows that Olive is conscious and anxious about what she has told Kerry. She also is reflecting upon what she has said and in disbelief about how and why she had told her. Later in the novel, Olive begins to trust her friend Kerry that is shown through: â€Å"I wouldn’t have made it without your love. † Olive shows an appreciation for her friend Kerry and it is evidence of Kerry’s support for Olive through her past trauma through her affection towards Olive. Thus, it is evident that an external catalyst can facilitate a change in self. Similarly the short film â€Å"Be My Brother† (Genevieve Clay, 2009) explores the idea of changing self being facilitated by an external catalyst. Initially, Amanda is in insularity and has a disconnection with Richard because she acts negatively towards him through body language. Amanda’s posture is averted away from Richard and her facial expression with discomfort. In addition, Amanda and Richard are framed singularly and the proximity of their seating; Richard is on far left hand side of the seat and Amanda in the opposite. Later in the film, her previous assumptions about Richard’s intellect have been challenged and proven incorrect. This is characterised through the juxtaposition of Richard and Amanda in the same frame as well as the change in Amanda’s body language; her facial expression is positive as she is miling and she is facing Richard as they both converse. Thus, the short film, â€Å"Be My Brother† directed by Genevieve Clay, 2009 clearly demonstrates the idea of changing self being facilitated by an external catalyst. In conclusion, the range of texts I have studied have been influential in shaping my understanding about the concept of changing self, emphasising that changing self is a complex process that is highly individual and shaped by many factors which can be both internal and external. The texts, â€Å"Willow Tree and Olive† by Irini Savvides, â€Å"Be My Brother† directed by Genevieve Clay, 2009 and â€Å"About A Boy† directed by Paul and Chris Weitz, 2002 explore a range of ideas such as a change in self can be facilitated by an external catalyst and it can also involve a shift whether physical, emotional, social or intellectual. The texts have assisted me to appreciate that there are various methods, which may be complex, that allow an individual to change self. How to cite Changing Self Essay, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Alcohol Consumption Gradually Increasing

Question: Discuss about the Alcohol Consumption Gradually Increasing. Answer: Introduction The study describes about the views of different authors related to the lock out laws in Sydney. It is found that alcohol consumption is gradually increasing day by day among the young target customers more than that of the old aged or middle aged people in Australia or more specifically in Sydney. The lock out laws in Sydney differs a lot in the identification of the violence that is related to alcohol. The literature review also focus on different attributes of the lock out laws in Sydney and the effects of overconsumption of alcohol to people. It is seen that due to overconsumption of alcohol, many damages are occurred to the family of the affected person both in terms of personal and professional life. The rate of crime is also increased due to the alcohol consumption and the business of the pubs and other nightlife are also hampered due to the implementation of lock out laws in the country. The profitability of the businesses are degrading day by day due to the implementation of lock out laws in the country. All these things will be explained in detail in the study. Sydney lockout laws According to Kypri (2016), the sales of late night alcohol in Sydney and in other parts of Australia are the causes of violence in the country. The new liquor act of 2007 has been effective in the year of 2008 in July. These laws are empowered the organizations who are associated with the gaming, racing, and liquor while imposing the various conditions in restriction of alcohol promotions and liquor licenses. The offices of the racing, gaming and liquor are had made substantial efforts against stopping their licenses for 24 hours. However, this was in vain. The lock out laws has shown the evidence of reduction in the accidents and assaults are decreasing. The government agencies are constantly keeping track of the records of violence in Sydney. The New South Wales government has announced new restrictions regarding the licensed premises while reducing the alcohol related violence in the country. The legislation has come into effectiveness in 2014 that involves the lockout to the registered clubs, karaoke bars, hotels and night clubs. The Sydney lock out laws is successful in creating a ban on the alcohol services on the above mentioned venue after 10pm. The prevalence of the pre-drinking culture and late night drinking culture and limitation to the late night access to the different licensed venues are banned. Various research reports have confirmed the fact that after the implementation of Sydney lock-out laws, the government has witnessed a significant reduction in terms of trauma presentations and alcohol related injuries (Perks Maruyama, 2016). The Sydney lock out laws examine the trends of the non domestic assault occurred in Pyrmont. The liquor amendment act of 2014 is known as lock out laws. The research has showed that almost 71% of the assaulted victims are occurred in the Casino. There are various sections of the lock out laws that include various amendments. Risk based license that are newly implemented include the premises which are licensed. They are liable to pay the license fee to the government and abide by the rules and regulations of the Sydney lock out laws. It can be said that the number of incidents in Pyrmont and Star casino has increased which is smaller than the recorded accidents and assaults in the different types of places selling alcohol (Donnelly et al., 2016). Lockout laws in New Castle Curtis et al., (2016) stated that the lock out laws in New Castle has put a restriction in the central business district of the region. According to the rule, the restaurants, pub, lounge, bars, etc. should not allow people to enter after 1am. Apart from that, they have to close the restaurants before 3 am. The licenses of the pubs, restaurants have to adopt various management plans are subjected in a compliance audits. However, another section of the regulation states that the officer from Responsible Service of Alcohol should not serve alcohol after 10 pm to the customers present in that place. The restriction results in the decreased number of assaults in the pubs and restaurants. The business processes of those areas are also changed as per the regulations of Australian government. These organizations are finding different ways so that they can abide by the regulations of lock out laws while improving the profitability part. According to Kypri, McElduff and Miller (2014), the availability of the alcohol also depends on the effectiveness of the lock out laws in New Castle. The availability depends on the two entertainment areas of the inner city. The laws have reduced the incidents of assaults in the pubs and other entertainment areas. It usually increases the incidents of assaults in the areas where the laws have not been implemented. The implemented law will result into the net reduction of the overall areas of the assaults in the region of New castle and Sydney. The reductions in different conditions of assault are pronounced in the areas where the regulation is yet to be implemented or the liquor trading restrictions are in operation. It is caused due to the implementation of the lock out laws in New Castle. As stated by Menendez et al., (2015) the lock outs and last drinks are related to the decrease in the business of different restaurants, pubs, lounges, bars, etc. In the central business district of the areas of New Castle and Sydney, has witnessed many changes in the liquor business as well as the assaults caused due to over alcohol consumption. The regulation has restricted the pubs and other entertainment organization to serve drinks after 10 pm to the customers present in those areas. The effects of the legislative reforms are examined by using different types of structural time series model. The evidence of the reduction of alcohol consumption in the areas of implementation of the law has witnessed improved health level of the people residing in that area. Apart from that, it has created an impact on the nearby areas of less consumption of alcohol. Significance of the laws Manton, Room and Thorn (2014), stated that the significance of the Sydney lock out laws is different in the various fields of implementation. The laws have declined the liquor industry of the country. The liquor industry of Australia is responsible for earning huge revenue from the Australian market. However, the country is facing a downturn in the perspective of economy. The areas of Sydney and New Castle are not exceptional. Downturn of economy is also faced by the businessman and the traders of liquor in those areas. Apart from the lock out regulations, there are many liquor licensing policies for the traders of liquor that controls the trade within the country. Author has focused on the alcohol related violence on the late night entertainment precint. According to Miller et al., (2015) the intervention of the lock out laws on the Australian alcohol policy is responsible for many changes in the field of reduction of violence and disorders caused due to excessive alcohol consumption in the late night entertainment areas of New Castle and Sydney. The effectiveness of the intervention of the two laws have witnessed different types of incidents such as improved health of the people, lower rates of accidents and assaults, etc. The intervention is a successful strategy in the government of Australia. The betterment of the society is the result of the intervention in the area of the implementation of the law. It is noticed that the licensing policy has reduced the alcohol related harm in the recognised area of Australia. The alcohol consumption of the people of Sydney and New Castle are proven to be less after the implementation of the lock out laws. Legislative limitation has been done to the trading hours of the nightlife companies who are associated with trading of alcohols. Authors have stated the fact that the government of Australia restricts the on premise sales of alcohol. The time is restricted to 3.30 am in New Castle and it is spreading on the central business districts of New Castle and Sydney. Authors stated that these policies are also there in other countries of the world. The research has stated the fact that these regulations regarding lock out and licensing liquor are also active in United Kingdom (Wilkinson, Livingston Room, 2016). Effectiveness of the laws According to Roth and Angu (2014), the issues of the violence caused due to alcohol consumption in the licensed premises of the urban areas of Australia. The lock out laws of Sydney and New Castle both are effective in terms of the different types of business related to liquor and alcohol. The Liquor Act 2007 has been is considered as the policy that has been combined with the lock out laws f Sydney. It has created many restrictions to the public nightlife areas, where people mostly young generation goes to hang out while having different types of alcohols and liquors. This culture is being banned. The bars are restricted to sale of drinks, shots, mixed drinks, ready mixed drinks, etc. after 10 pm. This lead to the loss of businesses to these organizations. As per Lorenc et al., (2014), the effectiveness of the lock out laws of Sydney is the major determinants of the public health in the country. As it is proven that, the lock out laws both has positive and negative impacts on the public health and the business of the entertainment areas. The public health of different areas of Australia is recovering. The rate of alcohol consumption is lowered due to the strong implementation of the laws in the regions. The culture of the evidence of the decision making attributes of the government of Australia has a high chance to improve the health condition of the residents of the place. The different types of policies in the perspective of health sector are also related to the health improvement within the country. According to Miller et al., (2014), collaborative and intervention strategies are been developed while reducing the harms that are associated with the consumption of alcohol on the different licensed venues not only in Australia but also across Australia. Authors suggested that especially in the regions of Sydney and New Castle the hospitals have emergency wards that are focused on serving victims that are affected by alcohol. However, it can be said that after the implementation of lock out laws in Sydney and New Castle, the rate of admission of victims affected by over consumption of alcohol are less in number. The authority of the hospitals has admitted the fact that there is a significant reduction in the injuries that are caused due to higher consumption of alcohol risks. It is evident after the implementation of the lock out laws in Sydney and New Castle. Problems of overconsumption of alcohol Burns et al., (2015) has stated the fact that the indigenous Australians are not considered under the category of over consumption of alcohol, and petrol sniffers and child abusers. The media of Australia misrepresents the groups in the country. However, there are many ill effects of consumption of alcohol both my male and female. It can be said that to some extent consumption of various types of alcohol in terms of weather are essential. But, there are many ill effects a person can get affected if he consumes alcohol regularly at a higher level. These can affect the cultural aspect of the people in the country. The indigenous Australians are originally not involved in it whether they are involved in it or not. According to Stoneham, Goodman and Daube (2014), alcohol consumption is associated with mainly university and college students. The environments of different universities of Australia are related to the consumption of the alcohol. The environment of the universities such as peer pressure, academic pressure, promotion of alcohol, homogeneity of peers, etc. are responsible for addiction of alcohol by the students. It is witnessed that due to overconsumption of alcohol not only physical disorders are occurred but also some mental disorders are occurred to them. It leads to personal harms such as blackouts, hangovers, suicidal attempts, academic impairments, etc. The culture of alcohol consumption among universities is not only present among the Australian universities but also to the different universities of the world. As stated by Allampati and Mullen (2016), people can get addicted to chronic liver diseases when they are addicted to alcohol. The doctors of different hospitals of Australia have witnessed the fact that the early recognition of the liver disease of the patient can help in early recovery of the chronic diseases. The gastroenterology department of Australia and United States deals with the liver diseases so that they can involve in the development of different methods so that they can cure the victims of liver diseases. However, research also stated that overconsumption of alcohol leads to different types of diseases that leads to the disease after a long time of consumption. Solutions mitigating the effects of alcohol consumption According to Harding et al., (2016), underage drinking is a bad habit that adolescents get from their parents or other family members which is responsible for becoming addiction with due course of time. The negative consequences for the underage drinkers related to deaths and other fatal diseases such as cirrhosis. This habit can be abolished if the family members restrict them in alcohol consumption in front of children and adolescents. Apart from that, the children who are suffering from diseases due to alcohol addiction must consult to doctor at an early stage so that it can be recovered. The research focused on the habits of the first year students of colleges in Australia in alcohol consumption. The university culture is responsible for the growth of addiction of alcohol. Apart from that, there are many psychological factors, that are constantly ruling at those minds of the students. The effects of overdose of alcohol addiction are fatal. However, it can be said that the authority of universities are trying to abolish the culture by implementing several groups and departments that are focused in counselling the students for abolishing the habit of alcohol consumption. Counselling is also provided to the students who are non drinkers so that they can not get addicted with alcohol consumption (Reis, 2014). As stated by Meredith, Alessi and Petry (2015), many applications are available in the android smartphones that will help the addicted victims in order to abolish their habit to reduce the consumption of alcohol. The health departments of United States and Australia are focused in the hazardous drinking and alcohol. The addicted persons usually misuse the problems related to it. It leads to fatal diseases. They can use the applications in the smartphones sometimes without the consultation of doctors. It is seen that there are many people who are ashamed of consulting to doctors for reduction of addiction of alcohol, they can use different applications in the smartphones that will help in reducing the habit of alcohol consumption. Factors enhancing alcohol overconsumption Rice et al., (2015) stated that depression is a factor that is considered as an enhancer of alcohol consumption. To find the level of depression among the young generation, Gotland Male Depression Scale is being developed in order to assess the symptoms of depression. Apart from that, there are many models that are used by psychiatrist and medical departments that uses to the patients who are suffering from depression or any other mental problems. It leads to excess consumption of alcohol irrespective of any age. The unhealthy lifestyle of these victims are responsible for getting addicted to alcohol. Toumbourou et al., (2014) stated the fact that there are several reasons that a person gets addicted to alcohol. In the initial stage, the consumption of alcohol has become a fashion and style statement. It slowly enters into the habit of the person. Research has found that the addiction of alcohol is found among the adolescents more than the aged people. The factors include road trauma, illicit drug use, tobacco use, etc. It is also proved that the psychology of those adolescents are different from the adolescents who are not addicted to alcohol. It leads to youth violence. According to Pettigrew et al., (2016), mixed drinks such as cocktails, mocktails and energy drinks are responsible for creating the addiction of alcohol among the consumers. The young drinkers are not aware of the fact that they are consuming alcohol and by that time they gets addicted to alcohol. In some cases social imperatives sometimes override the perceived barriers that encourage the adolescents to consume alcohol recklessly. Social norms and positive deviance assistance in reducing the harms of the alcohol consumption. The health drinks also contains some percentage of alcohol in it. Conclusion The literature review describes different aspects of lock out laws and its effect in reducing the crime rate in the country. The lock out laws is explained in the whole research. However, it can be said that the effect of implementation of the lock out laws are categorised under positive and negative impacts. The alcohol consumption is highly related to the implementation of the lock out laws in different parts of Australia. Research reports have stated that the statistics of the crime reports before and after the implementation of the laws are decreasing. The business significance of the lock out laws is different in different parts of the urban areas of Australia. The law is responsible for reduced alcohol consumption of the various age groups. Apart from that, it can be said that the different health hazards and other societal hazards are reduced in number after the implementation of lock out laws in Sydney. The different areas of advertising and marketing of products of alcohol a re also getting affected due to this work. The study also focuses on the different aspects of alcohol consumption and its ill effects on the society and to personal health of the affected person. References Allampati, S., Mullen, K. D. (2016). Long-Term Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease.Clinics in Liver Disease,20(3), 551-562. Burns, S., Crawford, G., Hallett, J., Jancey, J., Portsmouth, L., Hunt, K., Longo, J. (2015). Consequences of low risk and hazardous alcohol consumption among university students in Australia and implications for health promotion interventions.Open Journal of Preventive Medicine,5(01), 1. Curtis, A., Miller, P., Palmer, D., Warren, I., McFarlane, E., Hudson, K. (2016). Key stakeholder perspectives of drink restrictions in Newcastle, Australia.Addiction Research Theory, 1-5. Donnelly, N., Weatherburn, D., Routledge, K., Ramsey, S., Mahoney, N. (2016). Did the lockout lawreforms increase assaults at The Star casino, Pyrmont?.Star,1, 2. Harding, F. M., Hingson, R. W., Klitzner, M., Mosher, J. F., Brown, J., Vincent, R. M., ... Cannon, C. L. (2016). Underage drinking: a review of trends and prevention strategies.American journal of preventive medicine,51(4), 148-157. Kypri, K. (2016). Science, politics, and the play of chance in recent Australian drinking law changes.Drug and alcohol review,35(6), 657-660. Kypri, K., McElduff, P., Miller, P. (2014). Restrictions in pub closing times and lockouts in Newcastle, Australia five years on.Drug and Alcohol Review,33(3), 323-326. Lorenc, T., Tyner, E. F., Petticrew, M., Duffy, S., Martineau, F. P., Phillips, G., Lock, K. (2014). 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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Be A Human Being by Glass Animals free essay sample

The album â€Å"how to be a human being† is the indie band, Glass Animals second album. The album contains eleven songs. The most fascinating part of this album is that each song is about one of the characters pictured on the album cover. For example the song â€Å"Season 2 episode 3† is about the the girl with blonde hair and a blue sweatshirt. Other than the creativity with the album cover, each song is very distinct in its own way. All of the songs are completely different, but upbeat for the most part.The use of drums and electronic sounds gives the music a cool vibe that makes you feel so good when listening to it. Not only does the music sound great, it also has some pretty interesting lyrics. The song â€Å"Pork Soda† has the main chorus with the lyrics ‘pineapples are in my head’. Lead singer of the band Dave Bayley said that he overheard a homeless man say that one day and it just stuck with him. We will write a custom essay sample on How To Be A Human Being by Glass Animals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, in that sound he used buckets and things to sound like street drumming. It’s the creativity like that which made this album so unique and unlike anything I’ve heard in awhile. Each song is a story that is so interesting to hear, you’ll have the whole album on repeat for days.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

External Environmental Factors that Effect Education

External Environmental Factors that Effect Education Free Online Research Papers Environment is made of different elements. These elements are called environmental elements. Such elements directly and indirectly influence the ability to achieve organizational goals. These elements can be classified in two groups. They are: internal environmental elements and external environmental elements. The same classification is also called the types of environment. The following figure clarifies the types of environment: Internal environment An organization has internal environment which includes owner, board of directors, employees, and culture. Such elements directly influence a business organization. As these elements remain under the control of the organization, the management should utilize them in favor of the organization by using their ability, experience and skill. The components of internal environment are Owners, Culture, Employees, and Board of Directors and so on. External environment External environment of an organization can also be classified in two categories. They are general environment and task environment. The general environment is not related to organization but task environment is related. 1. General environment: The elements of general environment do not remain under the control of organization but they directly affect the organizations. Economic, political, legal, social, cultural and technological elements are general elements. These elements remain out of organization but greatly affect an organization. Organization should make favorable by monitoring and analyzing these external elements. Following figure clearly shows the general environmental elements: a. Economic environment: Economic environment is an important element of general environment. Inflation, interest rate, unemployment etc. are its main elements. As these elements directly affect the business organizations, decisions should be taken after having deeply studied and analyzed them. These elements do not remain under control of business . so, the business organizations cannot affect these elements. Rather the organizations are affected by them. i. Inflation: The price of goods and services goes high during the time of inflation. Companies have to pay high price for the necessary resources to produce goods or services. As a result, the cost of goods or services increases. The companies compulsorily increase the price of their goods or services to recover their investment. In this way, the price hike of goods or services directly affects the demand, or demand goes down. ii. Interest rate: If the rate of interest increases, the customers do not like to borrow money. Similarly, the companies also have to pay the interest rate if thy borrow. In this way, the cost of only increases resulting to price hike of goods or services. This affects demand or demand goes gown. iii. Unemployment: the unemployment situation also affects the demand of goods or services. So, this is also one of the important elements of economic environment. Companies get good chances to select employees. As only a small number of people decreases. As a result, the demand declines. b. Political-legal environment: Political and legal environment is also included in general environment. Political philosophy, political system, political organizations, legal system, court, legal administration etc. are included in this. Theses elements also do not remain under the control of organizations. So, decisions should be taken after deep study and analysis of these elements. i. Political philosophy: Political philosophy may be democratic or socialist or mixed. In democratic countries private companies play important roles. In the socialist philosophy the government plays important roles. In the mixed political philosophy, the political philosophy, the role of both the private sector and state play important roles. So, business organizations should analyze political philosophy also. In Nepal, both the private and government sectors have important roles. ii. Political system: Political system includes political ideology, election prices, the process of government formation etc. Besides, political stability or instability also consists in it. This factor also affects business organization. iii. Political institution: This includes executive (Government), legislative (Parliament) and judiciary (court of law). These political institutions also affect business organizations. iv. Legal System: The things what business organizations can do and what they cannot do are stated in legal system. Besides, the rights and interests of labors and consumers are also clearly explained. v. Court: Court is also included in the environment of business. Court solves the legal problems. There may be different types of courts according to the level and nature of legal problems, court settle disputes. vi. Administration of law: Administration of law is also one of the elements to affect business organization. This includes th law implementation bodies. They are government bodies, police, advocates etc. c. Socio-cultural environment: Socio-cultural environment is one of the important elements of general environment. This include population, pressure groups, reference groups, lifestyle, social classes, religion, language etc. these elements directly affect organizations, so decisions should be taken only after their deep study and analysis. i. Demography: The elements such as growth of population, size of population, age group, population distribution, urbanization, migration, etc. are included in demography. These elements affect business organizations. So a manager should analyze such demographic elements for taking rational decision. ii. Pressure groups: Pressure groups do different activities for different social and group interests. Such activities affect business organizations. Consumer, civil society, human rights organizations, woman organization, environment protection group etc. are the pressure groups. So a manager should also analyze the pressure groups and their activities for taking proper decisions. iii. Reference groups: Reference group is also called affecting group. Such group binges change in the consumers behavior. For example: famous film stars, musicians, other popular personalities fall in reference group. They can bring changes in consumer’s life style, fashion, behavior belief etc. iv. Life style: Social change brings change in the life style of people. The life style of people is expressed in their activities, behavior, interest views or ideas etc. such changes in people affect business organizations. Os, a manager should also study and analyze such things. v. Social class: All the people do not belong to the same class in any society. Some are rich and some others are poor. On the basis of middle class and lower class. Generally the interest, capacity of expenses and behavior of the people of same class become similar. Such social classes affect business organizations. vi. Religion: Religion is an element of socio- cultural environment. Religion also affects business organization. Os, business organization should think over this element. The consumer’s groups may be Hindu, Muslim, and Christian etc. so, a business organization should think over religion also. vii. Language: the other important element of socio-cultural environment is language. Language works as the communication media. It directly affects organizational activities. English, Chinese, French, Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali etc. are the languages used by consumers. Languages are different in different countries. Various languages can be spoken in a country. So, language is also and important element of socio- cultural environment. d. Technological environment: The other important elements of general environment are technological environment. The level of technology, pace of technology, researches and development budget technology transfer etc. are included in technological environment. These elements also directly affect business decision. So, the managers should regularly study and analyze technological environment. i. Level of technology: The level of technology is labour and capital dominated. Labor dominated technology uses much manpower whereas capital dominated technology uses modern machineries and equipments. ii. Pace of technology: Technology is dynamic. Its pace of change is very fast. So a manager should adopt changing technological environment. iii. R D budget: Customer’s needs keep on changing. Old technology may be useless to fulfill the changing needs. So it is necessary to develop new technology. Research and development is the main basis of development of new technology. So a manager should pay attention towards this aspect. iv. Technology transfer: Top import new technology from developed countries to technologically poor countries is called technology transfer. Technology can be transferred trough projects, multinational companies, technical assistance, trade etc. 2. The task environment: Task environment is one of the important elements of external environment. This includes competitors, customers, suppliers, regulators and strategic allies. These elements directly affect the activities of an organization. a. Competitors: Competition is very important element of task environment. It directly affects organizations. Organizations should analyze competition to form clear strategy for giving satisfaction and expansion of market share. The competitors of an organization are other organizations which compare for resources. b. Suppliers: Suppliers are those organizations which provide resources to business organizations. It is good for any organization to keep long term relationship with suppliers for quality, effective and prompt delivery of resources. Suppliers may be of different types. They are raw material supplier, machinery supplier, human resource supplier, financial resource suppler etc. c. Customer: Those who purchase the products or services of an organization are called customers. Customer may be individuals or organization. Schools, hospitals, government agencies, whole sellers, retailers, producer etc. are the organizations which are the customers of other organizations. Organizations develop different programs to satisfy their customers. d. Regulators: Regulator controls the policy and behavior of an organization. So the organization is affected by his activities. The regulators are also of two types. They are Regulatory Agencies and Interest groups. Regulatory agency is a unit formed by government which provides protection to people an organization by curbing unfair business practices. It protects consumer rights. Interest groups are formed to influence an organization. Such groups works for the interest of its members or group. e. Strategic allies: when two or more companies work together as join venture, it is called strategic allies. Such allies are formed for doing important works. One company / organization can learn special skill and knowledge from other. Along with this, risk is shared among companies. Ford and Mazda Company have jointly established Probe Automobile. This is called as strategic allies. Research Papers on External Environmental Factors that Effect EducationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfResearch Process Part OneOpen Architechture a white paperRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalStandardized TestingAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeGenetic Engineering

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Human Resource Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example Visual sexual harassment is through showing unwanted signs, photographs, drawings, gestures suggesting sex to an individual in the work place (Boland, 2005). Job analysis is the method employed to identify and determine the responsibilities and duties within a job description. The first step in job analysis is identifying its main objective it is important in determining the data to be collected. The second and third steps are choosing the best analyst and suitable method respectively. The fourth step involves training the analysts on how to use the chosen method (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). The fifth step in job analysis entails preparing for analysis by communicating the project to the whole organization. Collecting data fall on the sixth step while reviewing and verifying the collected data falls on the seventh step. The last step is implementing the results which at this time are the developed job description and specification. The advantages of this technique are; gaining of first class information about the job, efficient way of hiring employees and efficient way for appraisal and performance evaluation. The disadvantages are; require s a lot of data, it has a personal bias and it is time consuming (Heron, 2005). Internet recruiting has derived its importance through advances in technology and the need for a 24/07 access of employees and employers. Through internet recruiting, it has been possible, for employers to access qualified personnel from the global environment. Website containing details of job descriptions post vacancies through which a qualified individual responds to. The following three are advantages of internet recruiting. Firstly, it is a cost effective method of hiring. Secondly, the automated recruiting process is accessible 24/07. Thirdly, it is possible to access a large number of skilled individuals from a wider geographical area (Arthur, 2006). Security in the workplace refers to being safe from risks that can occur

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Analytical report on the international marketing strategy of BreadTalk Term Paper

Analytical report on the international marketing strategy of BreadTalk in Singapore entering United Kingdom - Term Paper Example The company sells a wide range of products that include bread, buns, cakes and pastries. During the early years after inception, the company’s operations were centralised and the baking process right from the preparation of dough to the final process of topping of each objects of bakery was done at individual retail stores (BreadTalk Group Ltd, 2013). However, as the company continued to grow, and the plan of establishing franchisees was conceptualised, the company created a single central kitchen and shifted its headquarters to KA FoodLink, on September of 2001. Moreover, the company acquired more space and current machinery in 2002 to expand its production capacity. Currently, the company has about 746 retail outlets with over 7000 workers throughout Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle Ease and China. Our vision is, â€Å"establishing BreadTalk as a  brand and enterprise known for its innovative, trend setting and delightful bread and pastries†, which we believe we can achieve through franchising by opening new outlets both in the existing and new markets e.g. the current one being the United Kingdom. Our mission statement is â€Å"leading a new lifestyle culture with new innovative changes and creative differentiation to craft products with passion and vibrancy†. Thus, this mission statement implies that as a company we want we want to employ a mix of strategies to create a new culture at the company that embodies the production of quality vibrant crafted products that are better and bring satisfaction to the consumers than those of consumers. At BreadTalk we are happy with our financial performance given that we have already surpassed the half-way point of S$1billion revenue mark towards our 2016 target (Iesingapore.Gov, n.d.). The excellent performance has been attributed to our current strategies and accelerated growth. Firstly, since inception we have use the franchising strategy to venture into new markets. For instance as at 2009 December we

Monday, January 27, 2020

Impact of Environmental Changes

Impact of Environmental Changes All through written history people have utilized their surroundings to enhance the path in which they experience their regular day to day existences. In a brief timeframe traverse, in respect to the age of the earth, innovation has progressed at mind boggling rate. With the mind boggling headway of innovation more assets are being utilized to make a domain that permits society to work and develop. Individuals in a created and innovatively propelled society are living longer and more advantageous lives. Lamentably this is expanding the number of inhabitants on the planet; as the demise rate diminishes and the richness rate far and wide keeps on expanding. In the public eyes mission to wind up distinctly additionally created, normal assets are being exhausted at a wild rate that might be difficult to escape from. People have disturbed the adjust that is fundamental forever. People have been exploiting the assets that have been given. With the constantly expanding populace society will turn out to be more needy of the assets that the earth wont have the capacity to give one day. Water is the reason forever, however the earth just gives a little measure of new water. This water is being utilized as a part of plenitude for pointless utilities. A significant part of the new water is additionally being dirtied as processing plants discard chemicals and rubbish in and around new water supplies. Also, horticulture is a need that individuals over the world underestimate. All of the fruitful land the world over has been utilized, making issues for future nourishment utilization. Vitality is fundamental in building up a maintainable society. Oil is being utilized to make a large portion of the worlds vitality, yet it is basic to change to new techniques as oil keeps on being exhausted. Creating and changing the routes in which society capacities is basic to build up a maintainable earth that eras will have the capacity to possess. The surface of the earth is secured basically of water; just about 70% of the planet is canvassed in water. Inside that 70% on two and half percent is new water while the other ninety seven and a half percent is undrinkable salt water. About 70% of the new water is caught in ice tops difficult to reach to people. Roughly just a single percent of the worlds crisp water is promptly accessible, being found in lakes, waterways, stores and underground sources that consider simple and reasonable get to. There is just a little measure of new water that is accessible to people, which is being utilized at a rate that is not reasonable for the measure of individuals on this planet. The water supply in nations everywhere throughout the world is low. In numerous underdeveloped nations, there is for all intents and purposes no foundation to bolster the number of inhabitants in the nation. They are not ready to deliver a feasible approach to give water to subjects. The water that is accessible all through the world is likewise being contaminated on an unfathomable scale. Manufacturing plants in less created nations dont continually taking after all wellbeing directions. A lot of contamination from these production lines are being dumped into adjacent streams and lakes as it appears like a simple answer for undesirable chemicals and waste. This does not really just occur in underdeveloped nations, it happens everywhere throughout the world and it is turning into a gigantic issue that wont not have an answer in a couple of years chance. There is just a little measure of consumable water on the planet and if the activities of mankind proceed with, it will turn out to be progressively hard to invert these terrible results. Monstrous measures of eco frameworks are enduring because of the contamination that goes into the water every last day. Humankind must change to guarantee that new water is accessible for different eras to come. Water must be a maintainable asset with the end goal for humankind to work appropriately. In the momentum circumstance, the new water asset will be expended in a brief timeframe. It will turn out to be progressively hard to roll out improvements after this asset is exhausted, that is the reason changes must be made soon with a specific end goal to guarantee a fruitful future. The populace is developing at a rate that will make it hard to supply nourishment to individuals over the earth. Over the earth millions are malnourished because of the way that nations dont have arrive or ripe land to develop sustenance to bolster their kin. With the development of the populace more land will be utilized to construct homes to oblige. Today the greater part of the fruitful land is as of now being used to develop nourishment. A few nations have been acquiring land from different nations that have a wealth of land however they themselves cant accommodate their own kin. Horticulture is a standout amongst the most imperative variables that will figure out whether the earth will be economical for future eras to possess. It is vital that humankind utilizes their assets appropriately and proficiently to guarantee a future for various eras to come. One of the arrangements that have emerged is the utilization of indoor yield creation which would take into account most extreme space productivity. Indoor nourishment creation would take into consideration various floors to develop crops while as yet keeping up the ordinary size of a ranchers field. Fly over Holland and youll wind up looking down on an ocean of glass; here, hydroponic nurseries represent 50 percent of the estimation of all leafy foods created in the nation a reasonable reaction to soil exhaustion, sickness and salinization(Riley, Tess). The procedure of indoor cultivating diminishes the plants powerlessness to soil corruption and sickness. In a perfect world through this strategy it gets to be distinctly more straightforward in the methods for water system. Funnels are keep running all through the building permitting sprinklers to water the planets at whatever time of the day. This is the most conceivable answer for the farming emergency. It will be troublesome for the world to proceed down the way it is heading. Contamination and over populace will keep on affecting how farming will be se en throughout the following decade. New arrangements will turn out to be progressively looked for after to help this worldwide emergency. Building up a supportable approach to homestead will be of the up generally vital. Indoor cultivating is just a little bit of the perplex to making a feasible rural base for humankind. In this day and age, vitality has driven mankind to the point where it is needy for that of the littlest undertakings. It is hard to think back about what the world would resemble without the utilization of machines that change over vitality into power. Oil, since its disclosure has been one of the, if not the most critical substance on the planet. It is utilized as a part of nearly everything; from paint to garments it has touched humankind in an extremely solid manner. Be that as it may, oil is not a practical asset. It is as of now running its way toward consumption. At the appropriate time there will be no more oil on the planet. Oil contains a monstrous measure of vitality that is outfit and utilized for the creation of power. Over portion of the worlds power is made using oil. It will be hard to discover a swap for this asset. As oil is being drained the world must swing to different wellsprings of vitality that will consider manageability. Elective techniques for delivering po wer incorporate sunlight based and twist however current option vitality sources at present just supply 20% of the worlds power. These option strategies must be thought to be the fate of saddling vitality once the oil saves have dried totally. These techniques do take a considerable measure of space to create power productively, however it might be a value that will be paid soon. Making a manageable approach to deliver vitality and power is vital for future era to endeavor like current society has. Vitality objectives without bounds are based around the procedure of combination responses. On the off chance that researchers and specialists can maintain a combination response and tackle the vitality applied by the response then the vitality issues of the world would be unraveled. It is fundamental that mankind keeps on creating and investigate better approaches to make supportable vitality assets. It is basic that society changes the way it works as not all assets later on will be ava ilable to human. Change must be acquired now request to give a manageable society to future eras of mankind. On the in spite of a few convictions, the world is not in a supportable state for future eras to possess. Todays general public is on a course that wont end well. It is critical for society to change their way towards feasible advancement that would permit future eras to prosper. Flow water circumstances ought to confine the use of specific undertakings to help save what crisp water is accessible to us. Water is basic to all life, and as production lines keep on polluting in what minimal new water is accessible it apparently diminishes a manageable lifestyle for all. The headway in the field of horticulture is critical for mankind to survive. With the greater part of the prolific soil as of now being utilized it is vital to swing to different strategies to make a yearly supportable approach to create nourishment. Indoor offices will be depended vigorously upon later on for the generation of the universes nourishment supply. Using customary oil, the world has turned out to be reliant on this substance. Elective vitality is the method for whats to come. One day it should supplant oil since it is a reasonable method for creating power. It is critical that mankind soon perceive how life cant proceed down its present way. Better than ever thoughts must be intended to make a reasonable domain that will take into account future era to thrive and additionally this era has.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Comparative essay between two poems namely, Half - Caste by John

Comparative essay between two poems namely, Half - Caste by John Agard and Unrelated Incidents by Tom Leonard. John Agard and Unrelated Incidents by Tom Leonard. You can clearly see before you begin to read these poems that they are set out differently to your average poem. For example in Unrelated Incidents that there are no more than four words per poem. The punctuation in Unrelated Incidents is based on the phanetic way of spelling, this means that you spell the way speak and pronounce words. The poems is also meant to be spoken in a Glaswegian accent. In Half - Caste it’s spelt and meant to be spoken in a Caribbean Patois. In both poems they’re defending the way that they are (The colour of his skin in Half - Caste and his accent in Unrelated Incidents). In Half - Caste he defends himself by saying that you don’t discriminate against a Picasso painting or a Tchaikovsky symphony because they’re half - caste, but in Unrelated Incidents his defence is slightly difference claiming that there are never any over news readers apart from ones with posh and standard English accents. Unrelated Incidents Tom Leonard was born in Glasgow. He has described his childhood upbringing as 'working class West of Scotland Irish Catholic' (his father was from Dublin). Although his passport identifies him as a 'British' citizen, Tom Leonard sees himself as thoroughly Scottish. Unrelated incidents, the poem. Is set out as if it was being read off a television autocue. There is very little punctuation and the words are spelt phonetically. The way that this poem is written, it is written like this because the poem is about BBC newsreaders. Its laid out as if it was being read on the 6 o’clock news. Almost all ... ...because he mixed a variety of colours in his paintings? Should the English weather be scorned because it is full of sun and darkness? Should Tchaikovsky's music be seen as inferior because he used both the black notes and the white notes on the piano? Is someone who is called a 'half caste' only half a person? John Agard asks the reader to begin to think in a more open-minded way. The poem is set out is a peculiar way as it only contains a maximum of 8 words per line. Also this poem contains no punctuation at all. I think that this is put in to create an impact on the reader. He has also spelt his words the way as he would speak them. It’s a way of phonetic speaking. Overall both poems are tying to prove the same point, that they are discriminated because of who they are. John Agard for being half - cast and Tom Leonard because of his Scottish accent.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Atticus Finch as a Role Model

Atticus Finch as a Role Model Does your role model have a negative or positive impact on your life? Major of people has a role model they look up to and make every effort to be alike. Each person has a different perspective on a leader but in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus displays himself as a hero being able to resolve situations with fairness for everyone and prevent the town from falling apart. Atticus' actions impact his children, his peers involved with the court case and the people of Maycomb. Firstly,Atticus Finch is a single parent that treats his kids, Jem and Scout as adults and tries to enlighten them on the outside world of Maycomb. There are many events that Atticus is involved in which displays him as a good role model. For instance, when Atticus gives Jem and Scout guns he tells them, â€Å"shoot all the blueJays you want, if you can hit'em but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird† (Lee 90). Atticus is a great role model as he teache s Jem and Scout that it is a sin to harm someone or something that is innocent.Atticus uses the example of a mockingbird because these irds only sing, therefore these birds should not be harmed. Atticus is an excellent father and a good role model to Jem and Scout as he teaches them good morals throughout the novel. Many people in Maycomb are prejudice and Atticus teaches Scout to think otherwise, as Atticus tells her miou never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view†¦ until you climb in to their skin and walk around in it. † This shows Atticus is an open-minded gentleman that takes ones past history into consideration.These lessons develop Jem and Scout with knowledge o handle situations maturely that they encounter later in the novel. These are various explanations why Atticus is an effective role model to his children Secondly, Atticus Finch shows his protagonist values in his place of work and towards people involved within the c ase at the courthouse. No matter where Atticus is or the situation he is within, he keeps a positive attitude, while going through the trials and tribulations in the workplace.For instance when Atticus runs into Bob Ewell at the post office, the father of Mayella the victim of the case, Mr. Ewell is still suffering over the whole case, reacts by spitting in Atticus's face and threatens to kill him. Atticus responds by saying â€Å"l wish Bob Ewell didn't chew tobacco† (CH. 22). Atticus realizes that it is not worth it to fght Mr. Ewell and so he understands Mr. Ewell frustration and takes it without causing anymore anguish for Mr. Ewell. Also Atticus is a strong man, that despite losing the case in court he keeps his head high.While Atticus waits on his children after the case; Scout notices her father's demeanour and expresses to s, stating ‘Atticus was standing under the street light as though nothing happened his vest buttoned, his collar and tie were neatly in place †¦ he was his impassive self again' (CH. 22). Atticus stays strong for the town that came to support him and since he tries his best he is not ashamed; although this is unacceptable to send Tom to Jail without presenting evidence to show that Tom Robinson is guilty. It is not possible to win everything! As long as the effort put into the task was your best!Atticus Finch his role m Odel principles to the people involved xpresses in the case. Thirdly, Atticus is a perfect role model to the people of Maycomb. The Finch family is well known in the neighborhood due to Atticus' being kind and having relationships with several people in the town. For instance Atticus allows Jem and Scout to let Walter Cunningham attend dinner with his family since he comes from a poor family, and Atticus did business with Walter's dad whom still did not pay Atticus. Walter says â€Å"Atticus I don't know when I'll ever be able to pay you† (CH. ). Atticus is a reasonable an that decides Walter's dad will not pay him regardless will provide the Finch's food from the Cunningham farm. Atticus demonstrates that we do not have to be treated differently because of our race. Another reason is Atticus is willing to risk his life to help his neighbor. As Miss Maudie's house is burning and Atticus decides to go into the house to save Miss Maudie rocking chair which she loves so much (CH. 8). This kind Jester Atticus could have died from attempting to save Miss Maudie's rocking chair.Not Just anyone would go sacrifice themselves in a burning building ust to save a chair but because of this Atticus demonstrates to the townspeople he cares about them and is an excellent role model for the people of Maycomb. Is Atticus a negative or positive role model in the novel? People have to do extraordinary things to be represented as a role model but In to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus confirms that he is a successful role model by him teaching his children good moral values, working with peers involved in the court case, and impacting the lives of the townspeople.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Threat Of The Cyber Forensics Field - 795 Words

Introduction Technological advancements, the increased prevalence of personal computing, and the exponential rise in electronic crime over the past few decades, has predicated the emergence of the cyber forensics field as experts seek to increase the effectiveness of administrative and criminal investigations. Though still in its infancy, the field purposes to apply the fundamental concepts and systematic methodologies utilized in traditional forensic investigations to the cyber realm. This is accomplished through the identification, preservation, examination, interpretation, and documentation of electronic media and digital evidence, conducted in a systematic fashion adhering to legislative rules of evidence, in order to provide an expert testimony for use in legal and/or administrative proceedings (EC-Council, 2010, p. 1-1). While specific investigative actions/processes will vary depending on the investigating entity, these core concepts remain consistent throughout the field, and provide a basis for all computer forensic activities. At the commencement of an investigation, a designated first responder is responsible for identifying and protecting the crime scene, while identifying and collecting item of potential evidentiary value for subsequent examination (EC-Council, 2010, p. 4-2, 4-3). Preservation of evidence is imperative, and extensive measures are implemented to prevent a deliberate or unintentional compromise of the evidence item(s). This is bestShow MoreRelatedSecurity Threats That Affect Small Medium Enterprises ( Smes ) Essay1747 Words   |  7 Pagessecurity threats that affect Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as countermeasures and defenses that can be utilised in order to mitigate the ramifications of such threats. 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