Thursday, February 20, 2020

Human Resource Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example Visual sexual harassment is through showing unwanted signs, photographs, drawings, gestures suggesting sex to an individual in the work place (Boland, 2005). Job analysis is the method employed to identify and determine the responsibilities and duties within a job description. The first step in job analysis is identifying its main objective it is important in determining the data to be collected. The second and third steps are choosing the best analyst and suitable method respectively. The fourth step involves training the analysts on how to use the chosen method (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). The fifth step in job analysis entails preparing for analysis by communicating the project to the whole organization. Collecting data fall on the sixth step while reviewing and verifying the collected data falls on the seventh step. The last step is implementing the results which at this time are the developed job description and specification. The advantages of this technique are; gaining of first class information about the job, efficient way of hiring employees and efficient way for appraisal and performance evaluation. The disadvantages are; require s a lot of data, it has a personal bias and it is time consuming (Heron, 2005). Internet recruiting has derived its importance through advances in technology and the need for a 24/07 access of employees and employers. Through internet recruiting, it has been possible, for employers to access qualified personnel from the global environment. Website containing details of job descriptions post vacancies through which a qualified individual responds to. The following three are advantages of internet recruiting. Firstly, it is a cost effective method of hiring. Secondly, the automated recruiting process is accessible 24/07. Thirdly, it is possible to access a large number of skilled individuals from a wider geographical area (Arthur, 2006). Security in the workplace refers to being safe from risks that can occur

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